Essential Oils For Hair Growth And Thickness

Feeling a bit stuck with my look lately. Should I change the color? Or the cut? Maybe I should just let my hair do its thing? But one thing’s for sure: I won’t mess with its health. Been looking into essential oils for hair growth—they’re like hair superheroes. Rosemary, peppermint…they can make your hair thicker and longer. So, saying bye to failed experiments and going natural.

Let us now discuss the “Essential Oils For Hair Growth And Thickness”.

So, what are essential oils?

Essential oils are pure, distilled and unadulterated oils.

You can frequently find pure virgin oils, taken directly from the plant in perfumes. 

Essential oils, on the other hand, have therapeutic properties. 

They offer incredible healing and aesthetic properties when used topically or with carrier oils. 

Clearing away residue, removing dandruff, improving blood flow, and increasing hydration to parched strands are all benefits of essential oils for thicker hair. 

They can help you achieve longer, healthier hair.

Which essential oils can help in hair growth?

The advantages of various essential oils vary. 

The greatest products combine multiple ingredients to maximize their anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, detoxifying, and stimulating effects.

  • Rosemary oil: It is one of the most potent essential oils for boosting blood flow and forming new cells in the hair, resulting in fuller, thicker hair.
  • Cedarwood: Cedarwood helps to regulate your scalp’s natural oils. It replenishes excellent oils in your scalp and uses antifungal qualities to keep your scalp healthy, allowing you to grow longer, thicker hair.
  • Lavender: It can help with hair growth both physically and emotionally. It has relaxing effects that can help prevent future stress-related hair loss and lower inflammation for a healthier scalp.
  • Peppermint: You know how a peppermint patty gives your lips a tingling sensation? When you apply peppermint essential oil topically, it provides the same effect. It increases hair growth and density by increasing blood flow and circulation.
  • Tea Tree: Tea Tree oil is known for its healing powers, which can be used on the scalp and the face. It revitalizes your scalp by removing dead skin cells and excessive product, allowing more hair growth.
  • Bergamot: It is an anti-microbial essential oil that supports a healthy scalp and, as a result, hair development. 
  • Orange: Vitamin C is just as effective in your hair as it is on your face. Orange essential oil helps in the replenishment of moisture and the maintenance of the pH balance.
  • Sweet Basil: For strong strands with more hydration, consider using Sweet Basil oil.
  • Lemongrass: It is well-known for eliminating dandruff, but it also has other benefits. Hair shafts are also strengthened, resulting in thicker, more resilient hair.
  • Thyme: Thyme is a great essential oil if you want stronger hair. It’s frequently used to cure hair loss and thinning, and it’s an effective supplement to any hair treatment.

How may essential oils help you thicken or grow your hair?

I support you if you wish to utilize pure essential oils to help with your hair growth. 

Because they’re so strong, a few drops go a long way. 

See what happens when you combine your essential oils with a carrier oil.

Not everyone, however, is designed for homemade concoctions and salt treatments. 

Is there a more simple option? 

Look for products that contain essential oils. 

Massage the product into the scalp. 

Because pure oils can cause greasiness, I prefer to use a tincture, a liquid with a more water-like viscosity.

You may also read: Why Do Women Wear Hair Extensions: Benefits of Hair Extensions.

What are some other ingredients that aid hair growth?

“Minoxidil” and “finasteride” are two FDA-approved chemicals for hair growth in prescription and over-the-counter medications. 

Minoxidil is supposed to operate by prolonging the hair growth phase and partially expanding hair follicles. 

Finasteride works by lowering your body’s hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels.

Other elements that promote hair development can be applied topically or consumed orally as supplements. 

Biotin, along with other favorites like zinc, iron, and collagen, is a well-loved substance for strengthening hair and nails. 

You might be surprised to learn that several common skincare chemicals might help you grow longer and thicker hair. 

Niacinamide and caffeine, for example, revitalize and brighten your face and your follicles.

What ingredients can damage your hair?

People are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of ingredients commonly present in low-quality hair products. 

Sulfates and phthalates are finally getting the negative press they deserve. 

But what are they, exactly? 

In a nutshell, they’re strong chemicals that act to remove oils, but they don’t distinguish between good and harmful oils. 

As a result, they may be stripping your locks and leaving them listless in the long term. 

One should also avoid Parabens, synthetic perfumes, and denatured alcohols. 

Try to avoid anything that leaves a residue on the hair shaft. 

Also, avoid the conditioners that overload hair with protein, keratin and most scientific blends that cover the hair shaft. 

It leads to a lot of damage.

Essential oils, on the other hand, are an excellent substitute for synthetic scents, providing a lovely scent without the unpleasant, drying consequences.


So, amidst the uncertainty of changing my look, prioritizing my hair’s health remains paramount. Through my exploration of essential oils for hair growth, I’ve discovered a natural, effective way to nurture thicker, longer locks. Let’s bid farewell to failed experiments and embrace a cleaner, more holistic approach to hair care. Here’s to healthier, happier hair journeys ahead!

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